
Gelderland Film Pitch #6 registration open!

Filmmakers from Gelderland have until March 19 to in their film plans for the sixth edition of the Gelderland Film. On the 6th of April, During Go Short, the film plans will be pitched before a jury who decides which two filmmakers will win €5.000,- in funding to realize their film plan. Register quickly and who knows, maybe we'll see your film on the big screen during Go Short 2026!  

The Gelderland Film Pitch is a production program for short films, organized by Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen, in collaboration with het Gelders Archief, Beeld & Geluid (Sound & Vision) and OostPact. The program is made possible by the municipality of Arnhem.  

Four to eight film plans will be selected from the applications. The makers behind these film plans will pitch their film to a three-member jury during Go Short 2025. The jury will choose two winners, one archival film and one other film project (fiction, non-fiction, experimental film, animation, or something completely different).  

The two winning films will receive a production budget of €5,000. The maker of the archival film will also receive a broadcasting license budget of €1,000 from Sound & Vision, research support and 4 hours of coaching. The filmmaker behind the other selected film will receive 4 hours of coaching made available by OostPact, the regional hub for filmmaking talent. 

The winning films will premiere during the eighteenth edition of Go Short in April 2026.  

Goshort Yorifotografie 78
Goshort Yorifotografie 234

Application criteria    

 To have a chance to win the seed funding and guidance, the application must meet a number of requirements:   

  • The deadline for application is March 19, 2025. On April 6th you're available to pitch your film (11:00 - 12:30) and attend the award ceremony (15:00 - 16:00).

  • The application entails a plan for a short film with a length of up to 30 minutes.   

  • The plan is for an independent film production. In other words, the film is not commissioned by a third party, such as an organization, company or brand.   

  • Demonstrated experience in film production. The director/producer has a completed degree from a film or art school and/or has been involved as a director/producer in at least one completed film that has been publicly screened. (By 'public screening' we mean: broadcast on a (regional) television channel, screening in a film house or cinema and/or screening as part of a (film) festival).   

  • Additional funding from third parties is not allowed or only to a limited extent and must always be discussed in advance.   

  • There are no stipulations in terms of the type of film/category, so fiction, documentary, animation and experimental film are eligible for selection.    

Additional criteria for an archival film:  

  • At least half of the film consists of archival material from the Gelderland Archives and the archives of Sound & Vision.   


The final day to submit your application is March 19, 2025, via industry@goshort.nl. The submission of a project is not complete until it contains the following information:

  • Basic film information: title, credits, category, genre and expected length.    

  • Information about director (possibly also producer): CV, photo, filmography (incl. screener links and/or stills from previous films).    

  • A concise film plan/treatment (one A4).     

  • Production plan incl. budget, schedule and crew list.  

  • Artistic vision/motivation of project, including its link to the province of Gelderland.