This program presents a diverse selection of experimental audiovisual works that explore the complexity of digital image processing. From DCT:SYPHONING (2017) by Rosa Menkman, which investigates the ecology of compression complexities, to Time Out of Place (2007) by Semiconductor, which plays with the simultaneous experience of temporal thickening. Historical projects such as 3 Artists On-line on Slow-Scan-TV (1980) showcase early experiments with computer networks and image transmission, while more recent works like 10 Megabytes of Memory (2021) by Markus Maicher reflect on the impact of digital storage and resolution. By combining a wide range of techniques and concepts, RawData offers insight into the ongoing development of digital image processing techniques and how artists have explored them over the past decades.
Rosa Menkman
Joost Rekveld
Bas van Koolwijk
Tom Klinkowstein
Martine Stig
Markus Maicher
Bart Vegter