New Rootz X Go Short
New Rootz is a social enterprise that trains young refugees in special talent programs. Today, the community of New Rootz consists of over a hundred teenagers, four youth coaches, twenty creative teachers and lots of volunteers from all over the world. Go Short collaborates with New Rootz for the Youth Jury, but also for the talent program. This gives young, upcoming filmmakers the chance to work on their first film productions and have their premieres at the festival. In addition, New Rootz together with Go Short curated the program A Brave New Perspective. This program transforms visions and turns the “What if?” of today into the “What's next?” of tomorrow.
The New Rootz Premieres will take place on Sunday, April 6 - 4:15-5:45 p.m.
A Brave New Perspective takes place Sunday, April 6, 7:30 p.m.